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Neck discs
9/23 17:42:48

Had an MRI and it showed degenerative disc disease
with narrowing of spinal canal.Disc 4-5,5-6,6-7.
Having a lot of headaches,neck aches,weakness in arms and tingling in hands.
Docotr said the MRI really doesn't show if there is a pinched nerve so I am having a bone scan
and EMG.
Other symptoms are knees and ankles ache all the time,when bending over my lower back hurts and is hard to stand back up straight.
Also when I put pressure on both sides of my kidneys they are sore to the touch.
I have a lot of inflammation in my body,stomach,esopagus,bladder,sinus.
What could be going on inside my body.
Are there any other tests that might help.
I don;t know if my bladder problem is causing all the other aches or my back is causing my bladder and kindeys to ache.
Had scope inside bladder,IV ex-ray of kidneys
and ultrasound and cultures which just howed a lot of blood but no infection.
Had an abdominal MRI and all that picked up was the inflammation in my stomach.
I am a mess but no one seems to be able to find the one of many illiness I have.
Any suggestions would help.

Thank you.

Dear Debbie,

The multiplicity of symptoms indicates that more may be going on than spinal problems due to muscular contractions.

However, to deal with the muscular origins of your headaches, neck ache, weakness and tingling in hands is a good place to start and somatic training is a good way to do it.  To learn more, read articles at Some of the other inflammatory conditions may also result from nerve impingements a different places in your spine.

From my vantage point, it is hard, without direct examination, to determine whether your muscular tension patterns cause or result from other inflammatory conditions.  However, the methods of somatic training are gentle enough and rapidly effective enough to be sutable as a first course of action -- barring a discovery of a more serious condition requiring immediate medical intervention.  Look up a practitioner at (top of page).  Discuss your condition and go with someone who leaves you feeling confident.

with regard,
Lawrence Gold

PS:  Your kidneys are in your mid-back, protected by ribs, not at your soft waistline area.


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