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Micro Discectomy and Laminectomy
9/23 17:42:46

I had a microdiscectomy and laminectomy of the lumbar 4-5 area. I herniated the disc all the way out and it was removed (most if not all). This was 2 1/2 months ago. I still have numbness in my buttocks, crotch and foot. The neurosurgeon has now said that I only have a 25% chance of that numbness going away. (in the beginning, he thought I would be fine, no damage was evident) Do you have the same opinion and is there anything I can do to help the healing process?

Thank you!

Dear Debbie,

Most often, herniated discs result from muscular contractions of the muscles along the spine, which compress the discs between neighboring vertebrae.

The same muscular contractions can cause nerve impingements and the symptoms you have described.  Disc surgery and/or laminectomy do nothing to correct overcontraction of muscles.  The muscles must be retrained (or, more properly, you must retrain your own control of those muscles).

Have a physical/massage therapist evaluate the state of tension of your low back muscles.  If tight, locate a somatics practitioner or obtain one of the self-help programs; see for access.  (Massage, stretching, and/or strengthening are of little use in retraining muscular control.)

with regard,
Lawrence Gold

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