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hips, legs and buttock (S.I. Joint and/or piriformous?)
9/23 17:41:20

Dear Dr. Starbuck:

Discouragement and frustration are my two greatest enemies as I just never seem to find answers to my chronic pain regardless of my efforts.  (I first tried to access the section of this site entitled, "Neurology" but there is apparently nobody registered to this site yet, with this expertise.  I'm writing to you because your summary gave me a glimmer of hope that you may know how to help me...)

Let me start by saying that the pain in my hips and buttock area began close to 15 years ago now.  I noticed that when I walked for an extended period of time, my hips would 'burn' and my buttock area would become so sore, I'd have to limp home.  This has never improved and continues to this day.  But in the past year to two, in addition to this chronic problem, I've developed serious pain in my legs - predominantly my right leg.  Down at the 'medial' area of my right calf (the area of the calf/shin that faces my other leg), I experience intermittent "stinging" that is so severe, I scream out.  It can happen when I sit, lie down, walk - it seems to have no rules as to when it decides to sting me.  If I am then 'brave' enough to touch this area with my fingers, I can actually follow a path from this point, right up to almost the top of my thigh that is SO incredibly painful (as though I've been beaten with a bat) that it brings tears to my eyes.  I have the exact same problem on my left leg, but it starts at the medial knee and runs up to almost the top of my thigh; my left leg only hurts to touch - it doesn't sting me.  The worst areas to 'touch' are near my knee and my 'mid thigh' - all on the medial side.  My hips and buttock area are also incredibly sore to touch as though they are completely inflamed...

What have I tried over the years?  Before moving to the States from Canada, I sought help through my G.P. who sent me to a specialist.  This fella talked about injections of cortisone but wanted me to see a Physiotherapist first.  I did, but only lasted about 2 months as I didn't feel it was doing me any good.  I didn't start seeking help for this problem until a number of years after it started because I was too stubborn to seek help and felt I was too young and it would just go away with exercise.  Shortly after the physio, I moved to the States and the physician here, has tried his own back manipulations, has referred me to a Chiropractor, who worked on me for 6 months, referred me to a Spine specialist who is following me but has referred me back to a physiotherapist to see if I improve.  This specialist has also mentioned injections.  I've had tests that have all been negative - MRI, EMG and x-rays.  The physiotherapist believes I have nerve problems with my "saphenous, tibial and femoral nerves?" and possible bursitis although he keeps going back and forth on this.  I go to him three x/week for the past month and have NOT seen any improvement.  He uses a lasor sometimes, traction other times, stretches me, uses a "combo" machine on my back side and has me doing certain stretches/exercises at home.  I'm lost as to where to go from here.  I'm a 36 year old mother, I'm off work now for two months to try and get better, I have pain walking, sitting, lying and I'm back to feeling helpless, as though I'm just going to have to live with this.  Is there ANY help for me?

You have hit all the bases.  I was going to suggest an MRI, but sounds like that has been done, and I'm assuming there were no disc bulges.  The only other problem I can see that might be the problem is the musculature around your buttock, i.e. piriformis, glute medium/maximus and a host of others.  When these are in spasm, which it sounds like they are with your symptomotology, they can impinge the sciatic nerve.  These sound like all of your symptoms, but without a proper exam, I am just speculating.  There is a special form of chiropractic called SOT that uses low force (little "pop and crack") that is especially good for disc work and ease of muscle tension.  I know you said you have seen a chiropractor, but if all he did was "pop and crack" you, this isn't going to get the job done.  I am in the SOT group and would trust any of the members to identify and treat my problems accordingly, or send you to where you need to be sent.  But do realize that this problem has been present for a long time and it is not going to heal quickly.  If you would like to seek a different chiropractor, one in the SOT group, go to to find a doctor near you.  If you are in Minnesota near the Twin Cities, or if you have any other questions or concerns or need help locating a doctor, please feel free to email me.   Good Luck

Dr. Starbuck

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