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Epidural & Back Pain
9/23 17:41:02

I delivered 1 child in '05 naturally with pitocin & 1 child in '06 with epidural. After delivering my 1st child I felt like a million bucks. BUT after my 2nd child this past June, natural with epidural, my midback, sides, knees, legs & feet constantly hurt. it has been 6 mos & the pain has not let up.

What can I do to correct this?


Thanks for writing!

By "natural" I take it you mean a vaginal delivery rather than a Ceasarean.

The epidural shot is placed right on top of the spinal cord. The spinal cord carries the brain juice all though your body. Chemically, the epidural is quite an attack on the spinal cord. It might be that this chemical attack is still going on. If so, you are dealing with a toxic situation in your whole body.

The greatest detoxifier on the face of the earth is water in combination with some Vit C. It could be that you are dehydrated and the toxins are staying with you.

Try this. To be sure you are getting enough water, drink 12 ounces of purified water every hour for 8 hours. This should flood the system enough for you to determine if you feel better, worse or no change.

It is also possible that during the labor, you displaced some bones in your pelvis and they are getting in the way of the nerves trying to do what they are supposed to do. This will hurt. To correct this, you need to go to a good chiropractor and get it adjusted. Go to, and and look for a good chiropractor near you. They can check it out and see what is going on.

Does this answer your question?

Dr. Rozeboom.  

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