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second accident
9/23 17:38:58

when I was 17 I was hit head on and fractured my right knee and broken left elbow right collar bone and jaw three broken ribs andspent 16 days in the hospital this was in 1979 and in 2005 I was side swiped by a tractor and now my whole body aches in all my joints and even though I did not break a bone when I was side swiped I can't belive the daily pain I am going through, my back and neck and knee's and elbows. I use a cane because I have severe disc disease in the L4 L5 which was upset by the collision in 2005 and I am wondering if the pain in my body will ever stop. thanks Robert

It sounds like you are experiencing a condition known as Complex Regional Pain Disorder or Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy.  These terms are somewhat synonymous and are used to describe a pain condition that has no apparent structural cause.  This condition is typically caused by trauma, minor or major.

The condition is usually treated by a multidisciplinary pain management team consisting of a doctor, physical therapist, psychologist, occupational therapist, and others.  They work with all aspects of the pain to get the best result for each patient.  This might include massage, medication, and other treatments.

I suggest asking your doctor about a pain management center in your area because you have the right as a patient to have your pain issues adequately addressed.

Thank you for your question, Robert.  I hope that my answer was helpful.

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