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Shoulder/Back pain that wont go away
9/23 17:39:24

I have had shoulder and mid back pain for several weeks now that won't go away. The chiropractor said I have 3 subluxated ribs (this is on my right side starting just below my shoulder blade). At first, an adjustment helped tremendously, but only lasted a couple of weeks. Now it's gotten to the point that an adjustment only gives a few moments of relief. As soon as I sit down or move in any way my back tenses up again causing a dull burning pain around the area that these ribs are and all up and down the right side of my back. I've been doing the exercises to strengthen my back as well as beginners yoga to help with flexibility, but it just seems like I'm getting worse. I asked the chiropractor if these ribs are going back into place when he adjusts them and he said they were, but I'm wondering why they are slipping out so quickly? My whole back on the right side of my body is in knots and feels all grisly when someone rubs across the muscle. Any advice would be very helpful in getting this pain corrected!!!  Thanks!

Dear Dacia,

It sounds like you have a myofascial problem as well as the rib problem, and you need to have the muscle system and fascial system addressed separately.

I would recommend that you get some deep tissue massage/myofascial release work done in the area as well as the adjustments and exercise protocols.  When you have an injury, the muscle system is affected as well and adhesions and scar tissue can form which will create the problems you have described.

Adjustments alone will not address the adhesion/scar tissue problem.  The chiropractor may have a massage therapist on staff, or may know some effective deep tissue mobilization techniques such as Graston, SASTM, or Active Release.  Make sure you ask, and if that is not available, then ask for a referral to someone in the area.

Good luck Dacia.

Dr. J. Shawn Leatherman

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