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back spasms
9/23 17:37:56

Hello.  Can you help me with back spasms?  Here's my situation: about a month after my daughter was born I started having horribly painful back pain.  It would happen about once a week, and it would last for about 15 minutes.  I would go from feeling 100% and then it would suddenly hit.  And then after 15 minutes or so, the pain would completely go away and I would feel perfect.  Over time, the frequency of the spasms have decreased but the length of time it lingers has increased.  Now, I have the spasms every 3 months or so but it will last for 2 to 3 hours.  And let me tell you, it is an intense pain.  It drops me to floor in tears and I have a decent tolerance for pain.  When it first started, I went to the hospital and a nurse told me it could be nerve damage from the epidural I received.  Later I went to a family doctor and she told me I was having back spasms.  About 2 months ago I had my worst episode yet so I went to the hospital because it hurt so bad I could barely walk.  And they scheduled me an MRI.  And the MRI showed them nothing.  As many times as I have tried to seek help for this matter, no one has ever told me whether there is anything I an do about it.  Actually, a chiropractor told me that it is just a "quirk" I have.  While that may be true, he didn't even give me any tips that could pssibly help me manage it.  Can you help me?

Thank you very much for you time.


Hi Brienne,

It sounds like it was brought on after the epidural which means it is possible arachnoiditis.

This is why you NEVER get an epidural.

After they are soon criminalized, morbidity rates and disability should drop significantly, especially when they are completely unnecessary.

Flexion/distraction is an FDA certified technique that has been around 30+ years and has efficacy rates approaching 90%. It is also safe, inexpensive and non-invasive or painful.

Here is a link to get you started.

and one to show it's proper use.....

Research further and you will find it is the gold standard for herniated disc decompression. Problem is, no money it compared to surgery and the lobby of the AMA. So you have to dig to find the real cures as you did for any subsequent disc herniations, I'm afraid if the epidural caused the aracnoiditis, chances are slim of a recovery, I hope it isn't that.

That website will direct you to the proper physician to diagnose your condition, please use it or me to find someone competent that can change this around.

Good Luck!

Dr. Timothy Durnin

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