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back and neck
9/23 17:37:26

What is the safest way to treat a neck and back injury. I was in an accident in late august. The pain in my neck now spreads across the top of my back. My toes on my right foot are numb in the beginning only numbness part of the time. My lower back is burning and feels as though its going to snap in certain sitting positions. All doctors
and mris. state there are broken discs in lower spine. I also had a broken shoulder. Could my arm not moving be causing extra strain on back and neck?

Dear Mary,

Sorry to hear of your accident. The numbness in your toes and right foot is likely the result of nerve compression due to the disk derangement in your low back.  The burning sensations are also common with disk injury.  The best course of action is to get some type of decompression therapy in the low back to help alleviate the pressure and attempt to re-hydrate the disk material.  There are various devices on the market to accomplish this such as the DRX 9000, Accuspina, Lordex, Spinal Aid, etc... but these programs are usually very expensive.  You may also be interested in an inexpensive device you can use at home called the posture pump.  They are $179.00 retail, and can be purchased online through the manufacturer:  Posture Pro.

First, I would recommend that you start with a technique called Cox flexion-distraction because it gets great results in a short period of time, and is much less expensive.  you should see appreciable improvement in 4-8 treatments.  Only chiropractic physicians are licensed to perform Cox Flexion-distraction protocols, and they need to have a special table.  I would recommend that you call around and find a local chiropractic physician who has a Cox table and is trained in the application. You should go through some physical therapy as well, after the flexion-distraction has reduced pain and increased function. For more information check out:

Concerning the neck and upper back pain, yes having a broken shoulder will reduce function of the neck and upper back that can lead to increased pain and stiffness, but you may also have injury in the neck as well.  Ligament injuries in the neck are common after accidents, and will actually create referred pain into the upper back.  This is called sclerotogenous pain referral. I am assuming that the doctors you saw focused on the broken shoulder and the disks, and have neglected to take flexion/extension x-rays of the neck...this is common.  I would recommend that you get flexion/extension x-rays to look for the ligament instability, and if present you will need extensive physical rehab in the neck to promote proper scar tissue formation in the ligaments.  If this is not addressed, the abnormal scar tissue can lead to chronic pain and muscle spasm.  Other things to consider:  have you lost the normal curve in the neck (lordosis), cartilage injury at the facet joints will also cause significant pain.  All of these things should be looked at.

Hope this helps Mary, feel free to write back if you need further clarification or more information.

Dr. J. Shawn Leatherman

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