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bulging disc pain
9/23 17:36:12

Hello I was diagonsed with a bulging disc in my spine and my neck about 6 years ago from a accident And i had two  cortosone shots but they did not help the second the hit my nerve by accident I went to chiroprater he was the one that
straighten me out I still have pain in my lower back and spine area the job im  doing now i stay in pain I work in medical records bending and pulling charts effects and inflammes the disc the way the enconomy  is jobs are hard to  find I trying to figure it i should quit I Put ice on my
dics area it seems to relieve it Do you have any other solution Thank you Carolyn

Yes, you do have another solution.  That is great that your chiropractor helped to straighten you out, and chiropractic is certainly a better route to go than medicine or surgery.  However, you need to go to a Chiropractic Specialist known as an Upper Cervical Specific Doctor, as this is the doctor that can locate and correct the cause of your ill health in a much more specific and scientific manner than a general chiropractor would.
Are you close to St Louis, MO?
Can you come to St Louis for a one or two day trip to get your nervous system examined?
Yours in Best Health,
Dr Robert Arnone

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