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Excruciating lower back and leg pain
9/23 17:40:19

I have had severe low back/hip and leg pain for 1 yr.  I was hospitalized 6 months ago and could not even sit up.  I have had an MRI, hip Xray and a full body bone scan. Nothing. I have had PT, 8 injections, and am seeing a chiropractor. I am getting worse by the day and am about to lose my mind. I have NO life and I was an extremely busy person.  Do you think the Cleveland Clinic could help me ?

I am unfamiliar with the Cleveland Clinic.  I can not give you a diagnosis without a proper exam, but your symptoms are telling me to look into muscle related issues, such as your Piriformis and gluteus.  PT is good but don't address the problem specifically and not all chiropractic is the same either.  I am a member of a group of chiropractors that use a gentle technique to correct specific problems.  This is not always the answer, but it is worth a shot.  If you are interested go to to locate a doctor and see what we have to offer.  I am in St. Paul, Minnesota and would be happy to see you.  If you have any other question or concerns please email me.

Dr. Starbuck

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