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 Bone Health > Question and Answer > Pain and Symptoms > Back and Neck Injury > Coccydynia
9/23 17:30:55

Hello Gary!
Thank you very much for your brilliant site and information provided for pain relief. I have tailbone pain and lower back pain (sometimes in my left buttock) quite heavy for a couple of months.  I have tried exercises from your page for Sacroiliac Joint Pain Relief that helps me a lot.  Could you please advise what else will be more helpful form your site for coccydynia.

Thank you very much!


Hello Hilda,

A lot of people seem to like my Pelvic Girdle Pain Relief page,
It a lot of the same things I've shown you in the SI Joint Videos, but I do a few things differently,
that might help you get a slightly better and deeper release.

Also, my Hip Pain Relief page,

Video 1, Technique D, your obturator internus release might help as well.
It's worth a try anyway, and you'll be familiar with a lot of it, so not as much work as when you first started.

Also, on the Site Map page, feel free to check out any of the pages in the lower back section.  They can only help.

I do hope this proves useful.

All the best,

Gary Crowley

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