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 Bone Health > Question and Answer > Pain and Symptoms > Back and Neck Injury > HunchBack
9/23 17:41:49

I am nearly 30 and realized that I am starting to get a hunchback.  I am overweight and very big breasted and had a back injury a couple months back.  I have since lost over 20 pounds and am continuing to lost as much as is needed to get to my goal weight.  

I read your answer to the question about the ice tongs, besides lifting the chin do you need to straighten the back as well. Becuase I have been doing both and my back is in teriibel terrible pain. The worst in years.  

I am also interested in the other advance techniques you said that are available.  Are there special beds or pillows?



Thanks for writing!

The excess weight in the body might be a factor, because fat makes estrogen which softens the ligaments of the body, allowing the bones to shift.

Most American women have to much estrogen in their body and would benefit from progesterone to balance it. Progesterone is avialable in a cream and other supplements.

The hunchback is a part of the "bioimplosion" of the body which occurs as the years go by. It involves the feet and legs, pelvis, back cranium and teeth and jaw. It is all one package and has to be corrected as such.

The Book by Dr. Batmanhelidj has specific positioning exercises which would help. The Alexander technic you mention will also help. If it makes your back hurt worse, take magnesium sulfate. And your water intake is vital.

There is a devise called the True Back which is specifically devised to reverse the hunchback. It is available on the internet and at chiropractic offices, at least some of them.

The true solution would be to go to a good chiropractor and get checked out for all of the above. Go to, and and look for a good chiropractor near you. They could tell you what is the most important in your case.

Does this answer your question?

Dr. Rozeboom  

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