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chonic neck pain
9/23 17:41:55

i have a bulge at c5 and a pinched nerve i am in pain all the time my neck hurts so bad it does not want to hold my head up i must leanit most of the time the pain go up in my head causing headaches so bad it hurts my eyes it goes down in my shoulders in my shoulder blades and left arm i get tingling sensation in myshoulder blades and my left arm causing numbness i also get shooting pain in my legs they say because i also fall asleep but they recently found i have sleep apea i may have ms if its not ms they tell me my bulge and nerve are not bad enough to cause the pain im in they want to refer me to a pain management and a crazy dr its not in my head help me please  


Thanks for writing!

I can see that you are in a tight spot. I will help you out of it.

Let me assure you of this. It is not in your head. Please do not go to the crazy doctor, most of them need a doctor themselves, if only they could find one.

All of the symtoms you describe are coming from the problem in your neck. If the disc is bulging at C5, there are other stresses in your neck and spine. Some or all of these stresses are moving the bones in your back around so that they are getting in the way of the nerves. This is causing all of the pain you mention.

To say that the bulge is not bad enough to cause this pain is crazy in and of itself. You do have the pain and you do have the bulge. Stress and compression in your spine is causing the bulge and is causing the nerves to go wrong.

The only solution. Go to, and find a good chiropractor near you. The chiropractors listed on these websites are especially trained to help people such as your self.

Let me know how it goes!

Dr. Rozeboom  

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