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I think I have scleroderma/CREST syndrome... am I crazy?
9/23 17:21:20

My name is Heather, and I'm 19 years old. For years, my mom has told me that I have Raynaud's and that I should watch for any more symptoms of scleroderma because my father has had it for almost all of his life. Just recently I have started to become worried about it.

About two years ago, a linear patch of shiny, but rough skin showed up on my leg that leads from my groin to my ankle. I went to the dermatologist about it, and they said that it might just be lichen striatus. They did no tests whatsoever, which kinda worried me. I don't mean to be a hypochondriac, but I just wanted a definitive diagnosis.

Also, for the last few months, calcinosis-like nodules have been forming around the joints of my toes. They are free-moving and not painful. I know they are not cysts or warts because I have tried cold-compressing them. Also, I have gotten these nodules before, as a child.

The part that makes me very frustrated, however, is how my mother isn't even listening to what I have to say about my symptoms. She is a nurse and thinks that she knows about every disease possible. Even though she was the one that told me to watch for symptoms, she won't even listen. I've got no one to talk to about it, and it's kind of upsetting.

Honestly, I really just want an opinion. Do I sound crazy at all, or should I really be pushing the subject to my mother so that we can go to the doctor?

Thank you

Heather, sorry you're experiencing these problems and feeling frustrated.  I hope you're staying warm and keeping those fingers and toes warm to avoid Raynaud's attacks.

I'm presuming the problem is that even though you're over 18 you're still on your parents' health insurance and they're paying the co-pays and deductibles.  Otherwise, you're certainly old enough to make your own appointments.  Maybe you can strike a deal with Mom - tell her you're worried about these symptoms and want to have more evaluation, and offer to make your own appointment and pay the part not insured.  She can tell you how much that is.

In the meantime, start journalling about your symptoms.  When did the nodules appear?  Have any opened up or come to the surface?  Are you suffering from any heartburn?  How often and when?  How about fatigue - is it a problem? Any joint or muscle pain?  When does it happen and what makes it better?  All this can be useful to a doctor you see now or in the future to try to put the pieces of your problem together for a diagnosis.

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