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A rhuematologists view on tratment of frozen shoulder & bursitis
9/23 17:21:13

I am suffering with the above ( bursitis & impingement of and a frozen shoulder.)
I'm being treated by an orthopaedic surgeon and was sent for a rheumatology opinion also.
It has been 6 months of NSAIDS and steriod injections and the Ortho has suggested an arthroscopy and bursectomy if the pain does'nt subside.
The Rheumatology Dr was very rude, refused to treat me and told me that I should never have an operation for a frozen shoulder as I would probably lose all movement in my shoulder joint and it was a HUGE risk. He then dismissed me and sent a letter to my GP stating I wasted his time.
I did not at any time say I was actually having an operation and wanted very much his advice and opinion on my treatment. My GP cannot do anything about this situation has the Dr discharged me immediately.
I am now terrified about orthopaedic treatment and would very much like a rheumatology point of view from you if possible as i am out of options. Thank you fot your time,


I am sorry to hear about your treatment by the rheumatologist. While it does not appear from the symptoms you described that you should have been referred to a rheumatologist, there is never any excuse for being rude. Rheumatologist treat autoimmune disorders such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and many others.

Surgery is a proper treatment option for your condition but only after all other options have been ruled out. You should try physical therapy before you every have surgery. The majority of the time you can correct such problems with physical therapy. I am surprised that your orthopaedic surgeon has not recommended this to you.

If physical therapy, anti-inflammatories and steroids do not work then surgery is the next option. Most people do fine with the surgeries. I have never heard of anyone loosing all movement in their shoulder from this type of surgery. Almost all find much improvement and rage of motion after the recovery time. It is a major surgery and the recovery time can take several months. If nothing else works the only two options are living with it or having surgery.

Do talk to your doctor about physical therapy. Several new studies have shown that most people with a frozen respond on average as well as those who have the surgery.


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