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Pain and Swelling in Shoulder
9/21 14:23:56
Hello Jenny,
I was wondering if you could help me out.  My mother (she is 60 years old), has been having major shoulder pain on her right shoulder, which started a few days (3) ago and today we noticed her right shoulder is swollen compared to her left shoulder. There is no discoloration on the skin but it is swollen and very painful. she has been taking asprin to lessen the pain. she currently does not have insurance, i was wondering if it is really serious and whether i should take her to the hospital and what this could be. thank you for any advice you can give.

It is important that she have this checked out.  Pain that lasts and is also accompanied by swelling can indicate many conditions, all of which need to be evaluated and treated by a physician.  If you are in the US, try an Urgent Care/Immediate Care clinic if she doesn't have a primary care physician.  Those types of clinics are usually open on the weekends.  

Best wishes and I hope your mother feels better soon!


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