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foot problems
9/21 14:22:12
Sharon, about two months ago I broke a bone in my foot, namely the second metatarsal on top of my foot, was in a hard cast/crutches for 5 weeks, was supposed to have been in cast for 6 weeks but developed a pain in my leg, behind the knee and calf, went to my doc who removed the cast, xrayed, said my break has healed, then sent me to the hospital and was admitted for excessive blood clot in leg, was in for one week, now on coumidan, left foot is still swollen (i'm guessing due to the clot) and foot is red (i'm guessing from the swelling and the clot), the break area feels fine but the top of my foot is still in pain, looking to purchase a new pair of shoes to help me with this, any ideas as to a great walking shoe, ie brandname, what kind of fit (loose or snug), hard sole or soft sole? any help you could provide me with this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Norman

Hello Norman

I'm sorry to hear about your foot.  I am sure it hurts.

Although I have no experience in the area where you broke you foot, I can say that when I had my hip replacements I always got good sneakers afterwards.  My only concern is that your foot is swollen so you have to be careful not to get your shoes too tight, and when shoe shopping, try and go when the foot is least swollen.  Normally that is in the morning hours.

I would go to a sports store.  I'm not sure which area you live in and which stores are where you live, but where I live we have a Sport Authority and that's the store where I always get my sneakers.

Find the section of sneakers that have the walking shoes.  I would not get anything that has a hard sole, but stick with the softer sole since that has the most give.  I like the New Balance shoes the best or Reeboks.  But please realize I am looking at this through the eyes of a hip patient, not a person with your injuries.  So please double check any advice I give you with your orthopedist first since sneakers can be expensive.

Just to re-iterate in regard to coumidin.  Be careful you dont injure yourself while taking coumidin since you can bleed badly if you cut yourself.

Best of luck to you

Sharon Stakofsky-Davis

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