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Hip Strain
9/21 14:21:41
My wife (63 years old) recently had severe pain in her right leg. She is not an athlete. The ER diagnosed Hip Strain. We do not know exactly what was the cause or when it occurred. This happened Thursday night and the soonest we can get an appt. is this Wed. She is applying cold packs, resting it, and taking anti-inflamatory and pain meds. She has been instructed to begin applying warm packs after three days.  What could cause this and are we treating it properly? How does she prevent this from happening again?

Hi Jim

Did the doctor take an X ray to be sure she didn't injure a bone or to make sure she does not have osteo-arthritis?  Since you did not mention the type of injury she sustained, I'd say his treatment at this point is conservative and depending on her healing, he may or may not have to look further.

See how she feels after the treatment and if she still is not feeling well, bring her back.  That's about the best advice I can give considering you did not mention much in your email question.


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