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right knee pain
9/21 14:21:31
Richard Haynes PTA/CPT - 9/1/2008

My name is Luke, i am 15 and a junior in high school. i had knee surgery on my right knee acl last June. I just started playing football again(i was cleared by my surgeon) and i have a a sharp pain on the inside of my knee. It is really bad at times. walking down the stairs feels like the sides of my knees are pushing in. I would like to know if you have any idea what is wrong with me


Hi Luke and thanks for the question. It sounds like you could have a case of tendonitis in the knee that is just a hunch however.
ACL rehab  has come a long way over the years. I would also check back with the therapist who assisted your rehab and who is familiar with your overall progress and discuss it with him or her.

Overall I do not think anything is wrong seriously here and I feel it will subside in time. Do not hesitate however to talk this over with your surgeon.

Richard Haynes

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