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Knee makes a squishing noise
9/21 14:15:37
Richard Haynes PTA/CPT - 8/5/2009

Hello Richard,

My right knee started making a sort of slightly wet squishing noise several months ago when extend it, but there aren't many other symptoms - no pain, no inflammation.  It's just a bit distrubing!  If I sit on the floor and extend my leg, or stand up from sitting on the floor, it will make this noise.  Just getting up from a chair or squatting down from standing doesn't seem to reproduce it.  It's not the usual cracking/popping noise that I know a lot of people get in joints, this is as I say more like a squishing noise.

I'm a 31 year old male, and I haven't had any surgery or other problems with my knee.  The only thing I did have was a slight tear of the muscle beside the right knee when I was about 16.  I didn't go for any treatment for it, but it stopped bothering me after some months and I had been fine since then although I gather a small amount of scar tissue has remained.  Best I can tell it was in the vastus medialis, very close to the knee joint.  This was from doing a leg extension exercise in the gym.

My question was really just to ask if this squishing noise is anything to be concerned about, given that there's no accompanying pain or inflammation that I can tell.  I'm fairly active - cycling, doing a little weight training etc, so these could be the things that set it off recently.  Sometimes after exercise I will just feel a little more aware of the area around that muscle, as if it's worked harder than the other knee, but again no real pain.  Would continuing with exercise to strengthen up the surrounding muscles be the best bet for now, and of course get it checked out should any pain etc occur?

Hi Sami,

You sound like you are on top of it. I would just continue as you are doing. i suspect its just a wear and tear situation inside the knee. As long as you are not noticing increased inflammation in it or pain then I would keep with the exercise etc...

I suspect the noise could be synovial fluid in the joint causing the noise. If again you get pain and/or swelling then go see an orthopedist.

Richard Haynes PTA/CPT
Punta Gorda, Florida.

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