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 Bone Health > Question and Answer > Pain and Symptoms > Pain Management > sleeping
9/26 9:28:26

I'm 51 years old and post Cervical Cancer from 2001 that put me into early menopause due to tumor that pressed against my right kidney. Thank the Lord no problems that way. It was a 3B due to kidney problem from tumor. I had no surgery, was treated with 7 weeks of chemo, radiation, with 5 internal treatments. I'm also Type II Diabetes and have in the past 2.5 years developed DDD with Osteoarthritis, facet pain in both buttocks that affects my legs alot and I have pain daily. It is very bad at night and I sleep mostly on my side and wake at least twice to move because of pain. i want to lay on my back but is is so painful. I have tried wedges or pillows with little help. Also have had tests, MRI, CAT, and bone scans to rule out any bone cancer or other problems. There is none. Injections have been tried in the facet joints, no luck. I have about 50 pounds to lose and I'm working on it. I also try to be as active as I can to stay flexible. Do you have any ideas for me to lay on my back? When I wake in the morning, it is awful for the pain. It does subside after about 30 minutes. I use Ibuprofen 600mg as needed and Tylenol Arthritis 650mg. I also take additional Omega 3's a good multi vitamin and Flexoplex which I think is starting to help a little for the joints. I cannot stand long and walking is limited. I also purchased the GymStick and am going to try to use it for building core. I also take a good Calcium and vitamin D supplement daily/  Thanks


Hanna Somatic Educatio
Hi, Lynda.

The universal response to pain is to tighten up; it's a reflex.  Conditioned postural reflexes form from this response over time.

In your case, the location of pain was your mid/low back and the contractions are there, apparently.

DDD and facet joint pain result from spinal muscular contractions.  DDD is incorrectly named; it doesn't exist as a disease entity in its own right, but is the consequence of disc compression due to tight back muscles.  Same with facet joint irritation and osteoarthritis of the spine -- which is why injections to the facet joints didn't work.

The key to relief is to recapture control of those back muscles and free them for healthy movement.  I can offer you a simplified free option, a somatic exercise to retrain back muscles (simplified):

A more complete program exists, but try the simplified exercise, first.

See also, my write-up at:

If you want self-help options, ask.

For much faster, long-term results:  


I consider your problem fairly easy to correct, using the methods of clinical somatic education.

with regard,
Lawrence Gold  

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