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actually it may not be worth...
9/26 9:00:50

actually it may not be worth it to me to do the proper technique stuff except in small pieces..partial technique since I kind of OCD myself through things when I make them too rigid. so I guess I answered my own question and you dont have to for me. thanks anyways

But you think im weakening my back?  Im a short guy so its less likely ile get a back injury than a tall dude
(but keep in mind when I do deadlifts theyre sort of my back, if anything arching a bit in the wrong direction)

Hello Jeff,

    Height has nothing to do with back injuries.  Some of the worst backs have been in short stature patients.  It may be easier for you to do more weight on certain lifts thus increasing your risk for injury, especially with poor form!!

Work on technique and keep crankin the weights!
Dr. Brendon O'Brien D.C.  

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