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titaneum rod spin fusion
9/26 8:42:26

7 yrs ago I had fusion of T2 to T12. After two years of unbearable pain, I am pain free.  I am very curious who has had the largest fusion. Could you please help me and to maybe find a site where people who have had spinal fusions with titaneum rods talk. Thank you in advance for any help you may give me.

Cher Hebert

Dear Cher,

Your question was found in the question pool. Even though it was not directed to me specifically, I will give you some thoughts, if you don't mind.

First of all, I am glad that your surgical fusion has been successful. Such is not always the case.

Your fusion spans almost the entire length of the thoracic spine, missing it only by one segment.  The thoracic spine is the best region to have a fusion, if you must, because in general the thoracic spine is the region of your back that normally has the least amount of motion when you bend and turn. Fixating the thoracic spine is going to result in the lowest disability.  Fusion of the lumbar spine or the cervical spine would be much more devastating, resulting in significant loss of motion and function.

I don't know of any "records" regarding lengths of spinal fusions, and I am unaware of any support groups.  The only thing that I could suggest is an internet search. You might also direct your question towards orthopedic medical surgeons or neurosurgeons. They are the ones that do the surgeries.

I did come across this website with a quick google search.

Good luck with your efforts in your research.

Keith Biggs, DC

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