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9/26 8:40:14

I also had severe pain in my SI joint as well as sciatic pain which lasted for several mths before it got better. By the time I could leave my home to get to a doctor it had been going on for 2mths and my MRI read as follows:
L1-L2 degenerative signal in the disc, no focal disc protrusion, mild bilateral facet OA no central canal or foraminal stenosis
L2-L3 imaged only in the sagittal plane, unremarkable
L3-L4 unremarkable disc, mild bilateral facet OA
L4-L5 decreased disc height with degenerative signal in the disc. there is right inferior recess stenosis with abutment of the right L4 nerve root. there is no frank foaminal stenosis, mild bilateral facet OA
L5-SI left lateral disc bulge with left annular tear. there is left inferior recess stenosis, no frank nerve root compression. advanced bilteral facet OA
I have also had severe adhesions, and other gyn issues for which I have just had a hysterectomy.
I wondered if the adhesions could have contributed to my back issues?
Do all of these issues repair themselves?
Would core strengthening and hydrotherapy help? any info you could provide me to prevent this from occurring again would be so appreciated.

Thank you in advance

Dear Nancy,

Thank you for your question, and for the details regarding your MRI.

You have several degenerative discs.  They never do re-grow.  Degenerative arthritis has a tendency to continue to advance through out our lives.

This does not mean that you will always have pain.  Yes, there are several things that might help you, including core strengthening. When you speak of "hydrotherapy", am I to assume that you are referring to exercises conducted within a pool?   If so, yes, this can help because it allows you to exercise in a weightless environment, but it does not replace other core exercises and stretching.

The goal is to try and find things that help you to MANAGE your condition, since you cannot cure it.  Once you get used to doing your exercises, do them every day, just like brushing your teeth. I highly recommend that you find a good physical therapist or chiropractor that can guide you through learning good exercises.

Good luck,

Keith Biggs, DC

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