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rib fracture & migraine
9/26 8:52:06

I fractured my rib about 6 months ago, when it feels better, I carry a 50lb 5yr old child and reinjure it.  How long after it feels better do I have to NOT do anything heavy? Also, I've suffered from severe migraines for 20 yrs, and can't find a good neurologist.  Any new migraine treatment or advice?  Please help, I'm a mess.

kinesio tape support, pain, rib fracture, intercostal muscles, fracture- sprain- strain, migraines,

Hello Chris,

Sorry to hear of your complaints.  Sorry to hear it impacts your life chasing that 5 year old around.

On the rib:
Fractures take 6- 8 weeks to heal.  That is biological, physiological law.  God, evolution, or mother nature made that law, no way around it.  You have gone 6 months, the fracture should be healed.  If you have not had an Xray to confirm fracture healing, you should.  Your local family doctor of chiropractic or family MD should be able to handle this easily.

Perhaps your rib FRACTURE has healed, but the small muscles and/ or cartilage between the ribs has not.  These muscles could take a year to heal, and you should try to not re-injure or re-inflame them. For this I recommend a Doctor of Chiropractic with a sports injury credential ( ie: DACBSP , see  Diplomat American Chiropractic Board of Sport Physicians ) or additional training such as orthopedics or rehab.  This Staten Island Chiropractor (me) with a DC and DACBSP credential utilizes kinesiotaping support.  Traditional casting, bracing, support is not used in rib fractures because immobilizing the rib/ chest area leads to respiratory problems.  When you injured your rib, the doctors probably did NOT immobilize you (for fear of compromising breathing mechanics).  Now, depending upon evaluation, it may be good to utilize some support- that is also flexible and allows movement: for that effect I recommend (and use) kinesio tape technique.

Information I hand out in my Staten Island Chiropractic office:

+++++++++++++++++++++ What Does Kinesio Taping Do?

Kinesio Taping gives support and stability to your joints and muscles without affecting circulation and range of motion. It is also used for Preventive Maintenance, Edema, and Pain Management

              Kinesio Taping was invented by a Doctor of Chiropractic, and is utilized- especially by SPORTS Chiropractors throughout the world.  Kinesio Taping helps the body heal naturally, can be used preventatively, as treatment, in rehab, during competition, or as a 憈ake home?treatment applied by the Chiropractor   (medical doctors give drugs, chiropractic doctors give tape) .

              Kinesio Taping is a technique based on the body's own natural healing process. This Kinesio Taping exhibits its efficacy through the activation of neurological and circulatory systems. This method basically stems from the science of Kinesiology, hence the name "Kinesio". Muscles are not only attributed to the movements of the body but also control the circulation of venous and lymph flows, body temperature, etc. Therefore, the failure of the muscles to function properly induces various kinds of symptoms.

               Consequently, so much attention was given to the importance of muscle function that the idea of treating the muscles in order to activate the body's own healing process came about. Using an elastic tape, it was discovered that muscles and other tissues could be helped by outside assistance. Employment of Kinesio Taping creates a totally new approach to treating nerves, muscles, and organs. The first application of Kinesio Taping was for a patient with articular disorders.

               For the first 10 years, chiropractors, acupuncturists and other medical practitioners were the main users of Kinesio Taping. Soon thereafter, Kinesio Taping was used by the Japanese Olympic volleyball players and word quickly spread to other athletes. Today, Kinesio Taping is accepted by medical practitioners and athletes in Japan, United States, Europe, South America and other Asian countries.

               The Kinesio Taping Method is applied over muscles to reduce pain and inflammation, relax overused tired muscles, and to support muscles in movement on a 24hr/day basis. It is non-restrictive type of taping which allows for full range of motion.

               In contrast, traditional sports' taping is wrapped around a joint strictly for stabilization and support during a sporting event obstructing the flow of bodily fluids... an UNDESIRABLE side-effect.

              Kinesio Tape is used for anything from headaches to foot problems and everything in between. Examples include: muscular facilitation or inhibition in pediatric patients, carpal tunnel syndrome, lower back strain/pain (subluxations, herniated disc), knee conditions, shoulder conditions, hamstring, groin injury, rotator cuff injury, whiplash, tennis elbow, plantar fasciitis, patella tracking, pre and post surgical edema, ankle sprains, athletic preventative injury method, and as a support method.

Dr. Victor E. Dolan,   Doctor of Chiropractic;   Diplomat, American Chiropractic Board of Sport Physicians;  Diplomat, American Academy of Pain Management; Certified Clinical Nutritionist (IAACN);
FIRST  Chief of Chiropractic  in  a  Hospital  in  New York State (DHSI);  As  Seen  in  PREVENTION  Magazine

Healed Rib Fracture, persistent pain, Recommendation:   See your local Doctor of Chiropractic with DACBSP, DACBO, or rehab credentials who utilizes kinesio.


Migraine headache:
I again refer to an information handout I utilize in my office--
揌eadache?  ( Also Known As-  Cephalgia )

Sometimes  we  experience Headache.   Head pain,  headache, can come from many causes;   perhaps we overindulged in food or alcohol,  headache can result; perhaps an allergy, our eyes, fatigue, tension,  or a multitude of causes can  cause our headache.  Sometimes we take pill after pill with little good result....  Sometimes the cause of headache pain can be in our head/ neck/ spinal alignment, our posture, our movement patterns.    Perhaps your neck is giving you a headache!!  Often-  the true    c a u s e   of  the headache and pain;  is a misalignment,  a  慿ink?in the neck- more properly termed a Vertebral Subluxation.

              Vertebral   Subluxation   Complex    (a.k.a.  憇ubluxation?
The vertebral subluxation complex is the underlying cause of many healthcare problems.

A subluxation interferes with the proper functioning of the nervous system (the master system which controls and coordinates all function within the body) and may cause various other conditions, symptoms and problems.
                   This is a serious condition identified by its five parts:

    Spinal Kinesiopathology:
         This is fancy way of saying the bones of the spine have lost their normal motion and position. It restricts your ability to turn and bend. It sets in motion the other four components.

         Improper spinal function can choke, stretch, or irritate delicate nerve tissue. The resulting nerve system dysfunction can cause symptoms elsewhere in the body.

          Muscles supporting the spine can weaken, atrophy, or become tight and go into spasm. The resulting scar tissue changes muscle tone, requiring repeated spinal adjustments.

         A rise in temperature from an increase in blood and lymph supplies result in swelling and inflammation. Discs can bulge, herniate, tear, or degenerate. Other soft tissues may suffer permanent damage.

         The VSC contributes to OsteoArthritic degeneration. Bone spurs and other abnormal bony growths attempt to fuse malfunctioning spinal joints. This spinal decay, scar tissue, and long-term nerve dysfunction can cause other systems of the body to malfunction.
The Vertebral Subluxation Complex describes what happens when spinal bones lose their normal movement patterns and position.

         Automobile accidents, improper lifting, improper posture, alcohol, emotional stress, chemical imbalances, and long periods of sitting can cause the Vertebral Subluxation Complex.
          Vertebral  Subluxation  cannot be corrected through chemicals (medicine), stretching, yoga, vitamins or physical therapy alone.  Subluxation- a neuro/skeletal/muscular- mechanical- problem requires a mechanical correction-  -  -    a manipulation,     best performed with the chiropractic adjustment.  For good health- Treat the   Cause,  not just the symptoms.

For headaches I recommend a thorough workup- ie: case history consultation, physical examination, perhaps Xray and or MRI.  After exam, if appropriate, chiropractic treatment is usually very effective in taking care of headaches, whether migraine and severe- or common headache and mild.

So, you can see where I am going:
Migraine Headache, Recommendation: your local family Doctor of Chiropractic.

A word on >pain< and pain medications.  People are sometimes quick to take pills, and often do not realize the side effects and complications.  Here is some information on pain medications:

PAIN     Pain  is a  憆ed light on the dashboard?  Pain is your body telling you that something is wrong.  That RED LIGHT on the dashboard of your car- -- do you ignore it until the car breaks down, or do you get it checked and correct the problem?  Pain, pain in your body- -- do you ignore it until your body breaks down, or do you get it checked and correct the problem?   Pain,  do you cover up the pain by taking a painkiller?  Take a painkiller, mask the pain, and allow a problem to progress in your body?  

NOTICE  ON  PAIN  RELIEVERS:  Label changes ORDERED by FDA;  the FDA announced proposed label changes for OTC over-the-counter pain relievers to include the potential for stomach bleeding and liver damage (FDA news  206- 207;  12-9-06) ;   

The  American Heart Association issued a scientific statement recommending medical doctors change the way they prescribe OTC pain relievers from a first choice to an alternate of recommending non-pharmacologic treatment (AHA statement  2-26-07).

Pain  can  often  be  the  result  of  the  Vertebral  Subluxation  Complex.
Vertebral  Subluxation           (  慥SC?,    憇ubluxation?  )
Vertebral Subluxation  is  actually  a  quite  common  condition.   Doctors of Chiropractic look for pathological conditions which may require referral to other specialties,   and also look for 慡ubluxation? Other disciplines look for pathology, but overlook the importance of alignment and movement in the spine which affects our nervous system  (the master control system- ALL health disciplines learn this).  

Only a Doctor of Chiropractic will evaluate and treat for VSC.

 The course of VSC is highly variable.   Some patients with VSC literally cannot walk, yet other patients with similar test findings may be able to run marathons or lift heavy weights.    Some patients immediately develop symptoms related to the VSC,  some patients take years to develop symptoms.  Some people suffer for only a few days with pain and symptoms, some people suffer for months.  Some people recover in days, some take months or years, depending upon severity of the condition.

Well, I hope you find the above information useful.  If I can be of further help, do not hesitate to re-contact me at allexperts!

Thanks for the question,
I wish you good luck, and Good Health Naturally,
your Staten Island Chiropractic friend,

Dr. Victor Dolan, DC          (email newsletter)  

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