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Post Surgical Procedure Hallux Rigidus
9/21 15:05:33

Hi Doctor,

I had joint replacement on my big toes in both feet last Nov and Dec. Thec surgery was performed by a Podiatrist. Ever since the surgery I've been having pain in the tissues within my feet. It feels like the padding under the second, middle & third toe is strained. I can feel the blood rushing to my feet all day and it's painful. It's especially a struggle when I first get out of bed in the morning because it is so painful when I first stand up and start walking. My big toes don't hurt at all now though it's just almost every other place on the foot except the heel. The arch is painful too. Do you know what might be causing this? Thank you for your time with this question. If they made shoes with pillows in them, I would buy them. Do you also have any recommendations for what shoe might be the most comfortable? Thank you again.

I've replied to a few questions so far
I have been in practice for over 29 years and pride myself on trying to be a caring physician! Recently I had a patient who I have been treating for over 10 years for a chronic condition. We were friends and he was happy. He came in a few weeks ago with similar pain. I treated him and he was feeling good. Afterwards he had a recurrence of pain, called and I told my nurse to tell him that it would improve. The fact that I didn't speak with him when he was hurting the most, even though I was right-caused him to be upset and leave the practice. Reactionary? Perhaps-----The point of the story is----and to ALL The readers and DOCTORS out there. IT'S ABOUT THE PATIENT & NOT YOU !
You should be able to have this conservation with your doctor and not me
After the surgery there is sometimes increased pressure on the other metatarsal heads since the first metatarsal head has been remodeled
Also the first metatarsal was probably elevated prior to surgery (higher than the other metatarsals). You didn't mention what caused the hallux rigidus. If it was inflammatory arthritis-then it might affect the other joints. Prescription accommodative orthotics with matched shoes would help. As far as the arch pain-that is secondary to this kind of surgery-especially if you are overweight or on your feet. Orthotics and physical therapy may help
Hope this helps and pardon my caps-it's at the docs who don't talk to the patients and the patients who are afraid to talk to them
Good Luck!!!!
Dr George Tsatsos

Not Medical Advice-Just information only
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