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cervical laminectomy sergery
9/26 10:26:24

My mother just had sergery on 3/5/07 and she is really worryed about the stiffness in her arms and she is having mygranes is it unusual and is it necessery to get home health care.  

Thank you for your question, Ramona.

Because each individual is different and each surgery is slightly different, these questions are best answered by your mother's surgeon.  Having said that, I believe that 4 days post-op is too short a period of time after the surgery to tell whether the stiffness and migraines are going to be a permanent issue.  The positioning of the patient on the surgical table can cause stiffness and other problems.  Those types of aggravations typically subside within a short period of time.  If the stiffness remains or increases, it is important to see the physician since he/she has the best knowledge of your mother's specific case.  The physician will also be in the best position to gauge the need for home health care since that need is different for each person depending on the severity of their impairment.  If there is paralysis, home health might well be the easiest route for all concerned but once again, your mother's doctor will know her limitations and her needs better than anyone.

I hope this information was helpful.  

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