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 Bone Health > Question and Answer > Pain and Symptoms > Spinal Cord Injury > Costs of Healthcare
Costs of Healthcare
9/26 9:49:43

Hi John! I am working on a disability awareness project for school and need to know the specific supplies a parapeligic uses in the home and the estimated costs of these supplies. I have already found a lot of info about home modifications but need info on all of the other miscelaneous supplies. Also the price of converting a van to be parapeligic drivable.Thank you so much!
                          Sincerely- Jen E.  

Hi Jen,
Thanks so much for your question.

It is difficult for me to answer your question because it is too broad. Each patient would require different supplies and the cost will vary from state to state as would the van modifications.

Sorry I could not be more help but if you have anymore questions, please feel free to ask me anytime.

Thanks again,
John McKinzie

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