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C1,C2 injury
9/26 9:48:31

My son was a victim of a drive by shooting that occurred on 08/14/07. He was shot on his C1 C2. The bullets are still in his spine. He's vent dependent but I would like to try and see if there are breathing exercises he can do to get off the vent. I tried to ask the Dr's if that could be done but their protoool was a C1 C2 injury cannot breath on his own. They didn't even try to wean him or try to do breathing exercises. And what do you think about the Stem Cell research in China. People are going there to look for cures . Are they just taking peoples money (25,000.00- 40,000.00) this is what is costs. What do you think?

Hi Rosa,
Thanks so much for your questions.

Unfortunately, there are no exercises he can do. Christopher Reeve's injury was C1-C2 and was unable to get off the vent.

Your son's injury was so high that the nerves controlling his diaphram are no longer working.

As far as stem cell research, there has been reports of curing paralysis but, so far, no one has seen actual results.

I'm sorry I couldn't give you a more encouraging answer to your questions.

Thanks again,
John McKinzie

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