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C1 burst fracture
9/26 9:48:11

I was in a freak accident this summer where a tree fell on my car as I was backing of my driveway.  I was left with a fractured C1.  The C1 broke into four pieces.  I have been in a Miami J collar for the last 7 weeks and have multiple CT scans.  The neurosurgeons at the time of my accident felt that the vertebrae might heal on it's own at that I would not need surgery.  After 7 weeks they have found that no bone has formed and they would like to do fusion surgery.  They would fuse the C2 to the base of my skull.  I am getting a second opinion but I am curious if with additional time this injury could heal on it's own or is 7 weeks enough time to determine.  Thank you

hi rebecca-

it'd be an understatement to say Wrong Place at the Wrong Time, so I'll get to the question:

these injuries are very slow to heal- i've heard anywhere from 6wks to 3 months. probably what the docs are recommending is based on the fact that the bone isn't yet STARTING to heal..

certainly get the second opinion- it can't hurt, esp if you hope to avoid surgery. although, surgery might not be as bad as wearing that miserable collar!

good luck

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