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Healing time for C2 fracture
9/26 9:47:40

My 83-year-old father has a C2 fracture as the result of an auto accident 2 and 1/2 months ago. His neck was stabilized at the scene and he was taken to the ER, where they did not do surgery because they discovered a major blockage in a carotid artery and could not risk surgery. (Since then he has had a stent inserted in that artery.) He has been wearing a neck brace (not halo)which at first they said he would wear for about three months. The neurosurgeon said this week after looking at his scans that "the bone is not knitted together yet but is in place to do so." Then he said Dad will probably have to wear the neck brace for at least another 4 months, with another scan and check scheduled for 2 months.  This is much longer than what he was originally told.  The neurosurgeon does not seem to want to treat this surgically. Would this be because of his age? My father does not feel any pain with this at all, and there is no paralysis, but he is very frustrated by what seems to be a lack of progress. Is there any encouraging news we can give him?

Dear Pat,

    I'm so sorry to hear of your fathers injury. And yes his age is most likely a concern for the neurosurgeon. And at 83 the healing process will be slower. But my dad had spine surgery a couple years ago at age 77 and he healed pretty fast. I'm sorry I couldn't give you more information, but his age isn't on his side. At least he hasn't had any paralysis. Take care and I'll keep good thoughts for your father.


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