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Curved Upper Back
9/26 9:02:27

I am 50 years old and in good health.  I have not started menopause yet and a recent bone density scan shows no problems there.  Since my early 30's, I've had a curved upper back (like that of an elderly person). I've been told I lost height.  Since I've never been injured, is it possible that chiropractic treatment could straighten my back?

Thanks in advance,

Dear Linda,

Thank you for your question and I hope that I can shed some light on this subject for you.  

At 30, the answer would have been a definite yes.  I have done it many times.  At 50, the odds are not on your side.  After about 35-40, making structural changes gets harder and harder due to the fact that the spine and surrounding structures are less pliable and able to accomodate significant changes.  This is most likely a hereditary type of change or could be to some other factor including even some medications that you may have taken over the years.  Your mom and dad may not have had it, but somewhere in the family it may have been passed down.  This is the most likely explanation.  

I would recommend seeing a chiropractor at this time.  While straightening it may be unlikely, (it could happen), you will most likely not worsen with chiropractic care.  Exercises should be undertaken to strengthen the upper back and between the shoulder blades.  This will prove helpful.  Consult a chiropractor who you are comfortable with and see what they can offer you.  

I hope this helps, even though it may not be what you wanted to hear.  Good luck.

God Bless,

Dr. Boss


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