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need a diagnose
9/26 8:51:06

About 10 years ago I had a severe pain in my right shoulder and arm which
kept me from being able to raise my arm or fingers, this happened when I
woke up and it went away within minutes after m y mom massaged it. Now Im
experiencing the same weakness but this time my right shoulder blade hurts
as well, I have the weakness and the strong pain that feels like it comes from
my bones. I took aleve today so Im hoping it goes away, any idea of what this
could be?

I can't provide you with a diagnosis over the Internet, but in general, I recommend that you first see a chiropractor who is skilled in treating myofascial trigger points, painful nodules which develop in taught bands of skeletal muscle and which can produce radiating pain or sometimes numbness. Trigger points are often treated with manual pressure similar to acupressure. Acupuncture may also be quite effective.  

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