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 Bone Health > Question and Answer > Pain and Symptoms > Chiropractors > Sinus
9/26 9:02:13

I have a ongoing sinus problem. Someone told me yesterday that a Chiropractor could help. I keep getting infections from no drainage. I can push on places on the back of my neck and it feels like they drain some. I can move my head and get my neck to snap, it feels like I get drainage.


Thanks for your question and you are on the right track.  

YES, chiropractic can help sinus problems.  I happen to be a chiropractor and acupuncturist and I get phenomenal results with sinus problems, even bad allergy ones and infections.  With chiropractic and acupuncture treatment combined with some supplements, I normally see sinus problems and allergy problems not just helped, but eliminated.

I recommend that you find a chiropractor who also does acupuncture.  If you can't see the chiropractor first and then find an acupuncturist and see them in conjunction with each other. Normally with a bad patient, I will treat them 4 to 6 visits and the job is done.  Improvement should be seen after the 2nd treatment and increased from then on.

Additionally, there are two supplements that work very well for sinus problems and mucus drainage.  L-cysteine is to stop mucus production, and quercitin is for inflammation of the sinuses.  They work great and can be found at most health food stores or your chiropractor's office.

Make an appointment ASAP. You will be happy you did.  

Have a Merry Christmas!

God Bless,

Dr. Boss

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