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MD or Chiropractor?
9/26 9:01:53

I just wish to know if a chiropractor may be able to help as I already know an MD will do the Motrin/muscle relaxer progress to MRI route. They always do.  (yes, I am making assumpions)

This is the third time this problem has occurred.
(in roughly 1 1/2-2 years)

It always appears suddenly as if no factors precipitate.
This time, I awoke 5 days ago with sharp pain in my lower back particularly with certain movements but generally had a sore lower back and walked only by leaning forward. (felt like a duck).

By 3 days ago I was getting progressively worse and unable to sleep soundly.  Sitting caused stiffening and movement for too long of periods increased the pain.  I had to balance the two without much success.

Yesterday I was unable to rise from bed and required the support of another to walk to the bathroom due to excruciating pain.  I nearly sought treatment at the emergency room as I am really concerned.

I did find a comfortable laying position and slept for several hours.  I awoke better to the point that with great difficulty I can move on my own without help.  I can find a few positions to ease but not alleviate the pain.  Sharp pain occurs with change of positions in my lower back. My knees and hips are starting to make popping noises occasionally no doubt due to the duck-walk.

OTC Motrin, ice, heat, moist-heat, relief at all.

Today is about the same although I am tired beyond belief of this.  It has never occurred for this long (the other times was 2-3 days) and disappeared almost as suddenly as it appeared.

I am a 5'7" female, 37 years old.  168 pounds, down 20 pounds since October (intentional).  I am in otherwise good/excellent health.

My question is, can a chiropractic practicioner help?  What should I look for in a chiropractor?  Will they also consider medical treatments (ie....pain killers/muscle relaxers?) and can they do that?  I am afraid of adjustments if this is a disk problem etc.  I fear the condition being made worse etc.


Thanks for the question.  Yes, a DC is your best option at this point.  What you have going on is a mechanical problem in the lower back which will require a mechanical solution. Even if it is a disc problem, chiropractor is your answer.  I adjust my disc patients on a daily basis and see great results, even with the ones awaiting surgery.  Adjusting a spine with a disc lesion is not a contraindication and adjustments do not worsen them.  There is no indication or literature reporting such findings and if you have been told otherwise the person giving you that information was wrong.

Make an appointment as soon as possible and have an exam and consult to see what your DC feels about it.  You will see much better results going that way that the Motrin and hope route.

God Bless,

Dr. Boss

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