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what is wrong with me
9/26 8:59:12

ok so i am 24 yrs old i spend most of my days on my feet walking around i used to be able to crack my back without a problem now i have done everything to crack it and it wont crack the longer i wait to crack it it hurts more and more and it wont crack on its own could this be a serious condition that i should seek a doctor  for and if not how do you suggest i crack it


First: Stop trying to crack your back !!  
While sloshing around your joints and causing them to make cracking sounds is stimulating and temporarily feels good, it doesn't solve musculoskeletal problems.  "Self-Crackers" twist and turn spinal joints that are already quite mobile, causing them to gap open with an audible "pop" sound.  The joints that are fixated, stuck, jammed, or otherwise malfunctioning with a loss of their normal motion are not the ones you are "cracking."  These joints require professional intervention, with skilled, targeted, high-velocity manipulation.  Go see a chiropractor.  This is the stuff chiropractors fix.   Be sure to get hands-on joint manipulation as well as hands-on soft tissue work.  You'll be glad you did.  At age 24, with no significant health problems, you should find relief within a half-dozen treatment sessions, if not immediately following your first one.  

'Best regards,

Dr. G

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