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Recent Numbness problems
9/26 8:56:06

Hi Robert, I am 23 years old 110/70 bp, Asthma, in what I thought was pretty good health. Recently, I've had some SEVERE stressors going on, and I've had costochondritis not more than 1 month ago. Recently my forearms thumbs and left side of face (also right but to lesser extent) have had a weird numbing sensaiton, without the pins and needles. (this started 3-4 days ago after another stressor). Also, my left leg has been going numb on and off, but this feels like it could be a circulatory issue so no worries.
I notice that when I touch my chin to my chest there is a considerable amount of pulling and tension.

Do you think I would benefit from some adjustments? This is 1 week before my wedding too:)

I definitely think that you should go and an upper cervical specialist.  This is a Doctor of Chiropractic that has the training and the skill to unlock the subluxation of the upper cervical spine which is very likely to be the cause of all or nearly all of your health problems.  If you would like some help in locating a good one for you, just send me your city, town, state, and nearest big city to you.  I will then send you back a Doctor to go see.  I highly recommend doing this and cannot emphasize this enough.  Your life and health will change for the better once you get going with this.
Yours in Best Health,
Dr Robert A. Arnone

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