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Popping and tightness in neck and spine
9/26 8:57:16

Hello- I;m 31 years old and I have this problem with my back and neck. Every time I breathe my back will pop or crack whatever from the base of my head to my hips. I don't breathe normal anymore. I'm constantly taking deep breathe because pressure builds up in my back and causes me to take a deep breathe making my back make these noises. If it don't pop it makes my back hurt. My neck has now started getting pressure and it is making me constantly roll my neck around til it pops. What could this be and how can I fix it. I feel inflammation from my neck and feel burning in my back because of the popping and cracking. Please email or respond to this question if you can.


First, get a thorough examination by a chiropractor.  He/she should examine you to see if there is a reason to get blood tests, xrays, or other tests if you have signs/symptoms that would require such tests.  If you are safe to treat, try some manual therapy to include the combination of joint manipulation and soft tissue release.  If there is no noticeable change following about six sessions, then consider a medical work-up to include blood tests that identify signs of arthritis (seropositive arthritides, or an arthritis that has a blood marker such as "rheumatoid factor" or "HLA-B27"), and also get a neck x-ray to look for any potential problems.  What you didn't mention in you question is your past medical history.  Previous traumas to you spine can cause some of the symptoms you describe.  Your initial chiropractic examination should include a thorough medical history to identify any such events.  

'Good luck with this.

Dr. G

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