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back pain from rowing
9/26 8:41:36

Hi. I am a 15 year old varsity rower female. I have recently been experiencing a lot of pain in my back coming from the lower center area that radiates down my legs and sometimes all the way up to my shoulders. This has been going on for several weeks and has only gotten worse. Ice, stretching, and advil aren't helping. I am expected to row and condition every day twice a day, so I really can't afford to take time off, and my coach won't allow it anyway. I recently lost about 10 pound to get down to 110 to row lightweight, I am only 5'6", I don't know if that has any effect on it.
Thank you

It is hard to give an exact diagnosis without an actual exam, but from what you describe, you are having a spasm of the Psoas/Iliacus muscles.  These hook from the front of the spine to the upper leg, and work for forward bending.  The rowing you are doing may be aggravating these muscles, and i would suggest stretching of them to see if it relieves your symptoms.  A check with a good chiropractor would also benefit, as having the spine in alignment optimizes the function of the body for overall well being and better athletic performance

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