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chronic hip pain
9/26 8:42:15

hello i have had this pain in my hip for 6 years now it comes and goes if i sit to long over do something or pull or stretch it in a way it hurts when i sleep i cant roll over without waking up in pain it is a sharp pain in the bottom of my but cheek it alternates from side to side its just tender some days and then others its a sharp pain when i walk or sit to long and my doctors cant find anything on x-rays it started when i was walking down a hill and slipped and jerked it really bad(like when you go for the extra step that's not there)so i was just curious on any ideas of what it could be or anyway to make the pain lessen or should i be going to a chiropractor instead of my regular doctors cause they've been trying to figure it out for 5 years and nothing

I see this over and over again. A chiropractor will look at those same x rays much differently. A radiologist looks for pathologies. Chiros look from a structural standpoint. Take your X-rays to a chiropractor and you will get the answers you need.

Dr. David Kulla
New York , chiropractor

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