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neck crepitus and nausea
9/26 8:54:06

QUESTION: Two months ago I went to a chiropractor for mid back pain.  My neck now pops, cracks and gravels every time I turn it.  I then went to a nucca doctor.  Now I have terrible nausea.  What do you think is wrong and what should I do?

ANSWER: Hello Cindy.  Hope this helps.

Sounds like you have gone to two different Doctors of Chiropractic.  Your complaint was 'mid back pain'.  Depending upon the complexity of your condition and the number of treatment visits you have had, I hope your mid back pain is greatly improved after 8- 10 weeks of care.  Depending upon your age, the age of the condition, the underlying cause, and the number of treatments; you certainly should be greatly improved.

Neck Crepitus.  Was it there before? Did it only start after treatment?  Either way, crepitus, the sound- is not inherently good or bad.  Joints make sounds.  Sounds are allright- as long as there is no discomfort or pain with the sound.  If there is any discomfort accompanying the sound: change treatment approaches.

Nausea.  This would be an unusual followup to a Chiropractic adjustment.  Have you had nausea before, does it only come with the chiropractic treatment?  Nausea should not accompany a chiropractic treatment.  Discuss this with your Doctor of Chiropractic. Change the treatment approach (there are many techniques within chiropractic) rather then continuing with this symptom after treatment.

Chiropractic is a safe, effective, cost effective approach for spinal complaints.  Two months of a standard treatment regimen (depending upon DX), two months of 2- 3 visits per week,  should have your mid back pain greatly reduced or gone.  Nausea- change techniques or change Chiropractors.

Hope this helps.  As always, this article is for discussion, information and education only.

Wishing you Good Health Naturally!

Victor Dolan, DC

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you.  My neck never made a sound until I went to the Chiropractor.  I only went once b/c the sound/graveling and crackling  scared me.  If I go back could she get rid of the terrible noise.  It makes this noise every time I turn my head.  Is it bone on bone or ligaments or cartilage?  I just don't know what to do?


Could she get rid of the terrible noise? Probably, over time, but not immediately or quickly.

The chiropractic adjustment given by your DC should not result in bone/ ligament/ cartilage damage.  The noises you hear (without pain, noise without discomfort), are not going to be bone on bone (terribly painful).  Possibly, sounding like gravel it could be some arthritic changes in the joint surfaces, again the noise would be accompanied by pain.  Noises in joints, without pain, do not have to mean anything bad.  The body makes noise. Joints do make sounds.  Again, if there is pain associated, then there is some kind of damage to joint surfaces (cartilage) or joint support structures (ligaments).

If the technique this DC used does not make you comfortable, I would visit a different Chiropractor, discuss, get a physical exam, and possibly go with a different adjusting style.

Work on your own flexibility/ movement as well, do not be afraid to stretch.  I do not like the neck roll exercise; I prefer moving the neck ONE direction at a time, but hitting all directions.  Sitting or standing, flex the neck to the chest (chin to chest), then extend the neck (look upwards to ceiling), then back to neutral- bend sideways, touch right ear to right shoulder, then left ear to left shoulder (bend the head towards the shoulder, do not raise the shoulder), back to neutral, then rotate the head left, rotate right. Movements should be slow, pause at the endrange, STOP if there is pain; slow steady painfree movement, pause at your end limits of comfortable motion.  This stretch usually is helpful for neck problems. Slow and easy. Discontinue if pain.

The Clicking/ gravel noise is fluid moving in the joints.  I do not think it is indicative of any problem, unless pain/ discomfort accompanies it.

Good Luck and I wish you, Good Health, Naturally!

Victor Dolan, DC

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