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rib and back pain Plz reply ASAP, not long till football starts
9/26 8:52:55

3 weeks ago I went tubing at the lake being pulled by boat and I didn't let go and it stretched a muscle on the back lower portion of my shoulder it has healed a bit but still hurts really bad when i try to train for upcoming football season resulting in me not doing a lot which is just not me.

Also the same time i hurt my shoulder i think i might have hurt my ribs by twirling and hitting the water really fast when i fell off...

When we got back to land i had someone pop my back to see if my pain would get better and i don't know if it made me worse or better, or if it made my rib pain worse since that area was being squeezed by that person when my back was being popped...... my ribs hurt when i breath hard or cough, or sneeze and much more other things even when i lay down and when i situp from laying down my ribs hurt...  i used to think i just bruised my ribs but i think now it might be a little more that just that...I now think my ribs are either messed up very slightly or just bruised and a muscle in same area is strained/torn whatever...

MY question now is CAN i go see a chiropractor or a doctor

What should i do ;(  Two-A-Days starts in 2-3 weeks


See if you can find a DC that is on this list: preferably a DACBSP (good luck).  Also see if you can find one on this list:   If you cannot find someone you're confident in, then go to the orthopedist.  You may need to get xrays of your chest and also of the painful rib areas.  Go now and get a physical examination to determine what is going on.  You may have a rib strain, a rib fracture, or a problem at the linings of your lungs (which are right up against your ribs).  Pain also can be referred from the shoulder spine.  Depending on the findings, the prognosis for football training can then be determined.   But first things first...

'Good luck!

Dr. G

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