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Neck Curvature
9/26 8:52:35


I have 2 issues:
1)a straight neck which gives me occasional headaches.  As a treatment, my chiro suggested that I come in 3X a wk for 3 months and 2x a wk for another 1 month and then twice a month for another 6 months.  I don't think he mentioned anything about using traction, and so far, I have been getting my neck cracked.  I have read that getting your neck cracked can cause artery tears and so I would like to stop getting this treatment.  I have also read that there is really no way to cure the straight neck.  I do yoga on a regular basis and previous to my chiro treatments, I've only been seeing the chiro for about a month, I could do shoulder stands with no issues.  However, just recently, I hurt my neck after the treatments started, which makes me wonder whether the chiro treatments somehow would contribute to this?  My other question is whether the treatment prescribed by my current chiro is reasonable, whether I should look for a chiro who uses traction, or, if there is really no way to cure the straight neck to seek alternative treatment (i.e. massage therapy for occasional headaches), and what the future potential implications would be without chiropractic care for the straight neck?
2) I have spinal processes which are turned toward the right, how many visits does it take to realign these?


To try to straighten a neck is a bad idea.  We, as chiropractors, are only "middle men"; your body will put your neck where it belongs.  Yes, there is an approximate "normal" curvature, but where yours falls in comparison...only your body knows.  There are many things that can cause a straightened neck; whiplash type injuries, muscle spasm, etc.  There are no other providers better suited to ascertain that than a chiropractor.  However, I would have to disagree with the frequency of treatment.  I have been at this for 15 years, and till this day, cannot tell you for certain a set amount of time nor amount of adjustments to return things to "normal".  
As far as the neck "cracking";  there is a remote possibility of a vertebral artery tear.  Somewhere in the neighborhood of one per million adjustments performed.  Usually, these are seen in person at risk; ie, smokers, etc.  There are test that can be performed that can determine your risk, as well as other types of adjustment techniques that can be used.  Traction is not necessarily called for with a straightened neck.  It is usually prescribed when there is loss of disc space, causing nerve entrapment.  As far as the spinal processes being rotated, it sounds as if there is a muscular component to your problem that needs to be addressed, whether by therapies, or a proper rehab program, or both.

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