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Possible outcome for pinched nerve?
9/26 8:49:59

I have numbness in all four tips of my left hand fingers. I had x rays done and my chiro didn't see anything of great notice, he said my c5 (i think)might be a little to open on one side. I've had this for 5 months now and am concerned my degree as a music major is washed out. Sometimes when i look up or in a certain direction i can feel the numbness tingle a bit.  I've seen a chiro (who has only been doing this for a few years) and want to know if this is the right thing for me and am seeking an expert's opinion. There are chiros every block where I live and am not even sure what to do anymore.

It sounds as if you are on the right track.  The movements you describe as aggravating would suggest a pinch in one of the nerves of the neck.  However, you may also have a pinch somewhere out through the shoulder, pinched by the soft tissues.  This would also need to be addressed.  Your outcome, as long as everything is done correctly, should be excellent.

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