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Bent Ribs
9/26 8:50:27

Hello Dr. Dolan,

Thank you for your reply. The MD did not take any Xrays of my ribs. It was a regular consultation. After, time pass I realized that the misalignment was causing me a lot of trouble. And, YES it is time to look for new eyes and new advice.

This Thursday I am going to my new MD and tell him my story. I hope there is a solution to my problem. It is a chronic low pain of my lower right side ribs. The symmetry is changed compared to the left ribs.

Something is wrong and I need to take action. I do not know if the trauma has been for 3 years would be a problem.

Thanks a lot for your advice.


Hello Mia,

This came through to me as a followup question.

Good Luck Thursday.

Doctors are funny creatures.  If this were me, I would not 'blame' the first doctor.  I would talk about trauma 3 years ago, no Xrays, no treatment, but continued pain; would like Xrays now to evaluate why still hurting.

Whether an old fracture, or dislocation, Xrays now (or then) will tell the story.

Good Luck,your Staten Island Chiropractor signing off,

Dr. Vic

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