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numb fingers sore wrist
9/26 8:46:47

Hi Dr. Newhart
  I have been a waitress for many years where we serve up to 60 people per wait person a night. Recently the company was purchased by some one else and they change the way we deliver our meals. we now have to carry no less than 8 dinners on a tray weighing anywhere from 10lbs to 50lbs per tray. We are not allowed to carry them any other way but balance on our wrist above the shoulder with one arm. With in the last 6 months I have had numbness in my fingers and a soreness in my wrist. The numbness has become more frequent lately. I have purchased a wrist splint that i wear at night which seems to help some with the overnight numbness and pain. Now I have noticed a small lump in my wrist. Anyways my question is could this be carpal tunnel and what other treatment do you recommend?

You could have the beginnings of carpal tunnel syndrome.  The method in which you describe serving; arm overhead and wrist bent is detrimental to the wrist mechanics.  Extension of the wrist, coupled with misalignment, can increase the internal pressure of the wrist and lead to carpal tunnel syndrome.  A visit to a good chiropractor should be able to determine if it is a mechanical problem.  If so, adjustment to the wrist, coupled with therapies and a good rehab program, should bring it back to normal.  This is very common, and in our office we have a very specific protocol for treatment that is extremely effective

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