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numbness in the face
9/26 8:40:15

I injured my left shoulder in DEC. reaching under a table to retrieve an item I had dropped, I had my neck twisted so I could see the item, the next morning I had a numbness on the left side of my face, it's not major, like the feeling right after you get a shot of Novocain,and my left middle finger kept raising toward my palm, could a neck injury cause this? The numbness goes at least to my temple and down to my chin and around the outside of my eye socket but only on the left side of my face. Could a chiropractor help?

 Yes, this can be caused by a neck injury. You have nerves that exit from your cervical (neck) spine that control the sensation in arms and face, muscles of both arms and  blood supply to the head and face. I have personally, successfully treated several patients with very similar symptoms. If after 6-10 weeks you still have numbness you should get an MRI. You'll be fine , but it needs to be addressed as soon as possible.

Dr. David Kulla, DC, CN
Synergy wellness
New York city  

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