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clicking noise in neck/head and upper back pain
9/26 8:45:00

Hi I really hope you can help me as i have had little help from my doctor. for the past 5 weeks i have been getting a clicking noise in the back of my neck.It is difficult to determine but it sounds like its coming from where my neck meets the base of my head. I have had no pain in my neck however a few days after the clicking noise started i got pain in my upper back and shoulders. its really starting to worry me as its not getting any better and i have no answers. i would be very grateful for any advise thanks

Tension in the muscles that run from the upper back to the head can change the mechanical motion of the joint, leading to clicking.  The tension should be addressed, as well as any misalignments that may be present...a good chiropractor should be able to determine which is causing which, and set you on a course of treatment to correct it

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