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Brachial Plexus Neuropathy
9/26 8:40:34

Hello Sir,

Mr. Kulla, I've been suffereing from Branchial Plexus Neuropathy/Long thoracic nerve damage/causing Scapular winging since Oct. 21st, 2011. Any information for recovery would be greatly appreciated because up until now doctors have only been able to give me a diagnosis.

In Oct. 21 during the middle of the night I awoke with severe burning pain down my arm starting from my shoulder and ending at my elbow/forearm area. The pain is nerves running down the rear of my arm from my delt through my tricept ending at my elbow. They pain was unbareable. When I awoke that morning I had no ability to raise my arm directly over my head. I also felt my shoulder blade sticking out and felt no stability around it. Moving forward....The pain completely subsided after about a week of not being able to sleep. Since that time (today 12/14/2011) I've been pain free but no improvement in my shoulder movement. Anybody watching me move my arm will have a difficult time believing i'm hurt because I can lift my hard up with "assistance" and not experience any pain. It's like my body turned the switch to off for my shoulder. No nerves...dead muscle.

"What did the doctors say"?....I visited an well known orthopedic here in san diego,CA. He visually inspected my shoulder an felt it was a long thoracic nerve damage. I couldn't tell him how it happened because I don't know. I didn't injure myself that I know about. I'm very active. I'm in good physical condition and exercise regularly as well as play sports on my off time. The doctor said it could be from repetative lifting or maybe cause by an immune system disorder. He referred me to a neurologist.

The neurologist also with great reputation conductured and EMG/muscle exam and diagnosed me with Brachial Plexus Neuropathy. I was a bit confused during the test because I thought my nerves were functioning well when ever he zapped me however when he conducted the muscle test the area around the Lats or serratus anterior he acted like there was a problem. The sound the test was giving off was not normal, popping noise, which was different to all the other muscles he had tested. However the doctors said it was a nerve issue not muscle. "Confussed"...I felt my arm jump everytime he sent a jolt of electricity meaning my nerves were fine. I guess he knows better. He advised me to do physical therapy.

Now to current day....I've been doing a lot of research on my own reading other stories. Thats harder to do than I thought bc this is uncommon it seems to me. I have found mixed reviews. A larger number of people affected by this complain that physical therapy have not improved their condition. I side with them because I've been doing phys therapy for about a month with no improvement whatsoever. Some suggest acupuncture or chiro attention. Don't know what to do. One thing my doctors did advise me off is that the nerve will regenerate and when it does it will instantly give me range of motion back. I was surprised..just like that huh. They say the phys therapy is to maintain strenght in muscles that work to not compound the problem.

I'm somewhat concerned that this may take months to a year to heal. But is it true that the quicker the pain subsides the faster recovery? I'm a Federal Law Enforcement Agent and I need use of my arm for duty reasons. But also I'm active and have three kids that run around all over the place and love sports and I'm limited to being able to play with them. I've been using my left arm for throwing the ball around to rest my right.

Sorry for the long story but any information based on your experience with this condition that may be posted for everyone benefit regarding my story would be great.

Ronnie Sanchez

  your neurologist is correct it is a pinched nerve. An EMG tests the nerve, not the muscle. All nerves go to and control several of your muscles and thats why they jumped during the test. Physical therapy is the cookie cuitter approach all M.D.'s and neuros use. problem is that PT only deals with soft tissue (ie:muscle, ligament, tendon)NOT nerve. so, that leads me to the next suggestion. Chiropractic is the ONLY professional that will remove nervwe pressure. I help people with this problem everyday and with great success.
since you are in san diego i can refer you to a few amazing chiropractors. Mention my name please.
1. Dr brian stenzler-
2. Dr stan Shapiro- Better health chiropractic
both excellent chiros and they will be able to help you.
good luck!

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