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cold laser therapy
9/26 8:37:49

Hello I  was interesting  knowing if cold laser therapy would be good for a chemical burn I had a accident where we had a chemical spill into our water chemical called MCHM And was not supposed to use the water And i ran my hand under it I got a blister And it red irrated on my skin I went to doctor gave me steriod cream Clear the blister up But still having red swelling where the blister was  And i  have been to six doctors Xrayt tennosyvitis inflamed tendons  and MRI arthritis   not getting much relief     I think it is a 2nd degree chemical burn I have heard about cold laser And i  haven't tried would that help on wound healing  And i  want to know if you think i  should I just need releif or will this get better with time Which it has been over a year I'm sorry this is so long But i  would like to get relief Thank you Carolyn

Hi Carolyn,

The cold laser actually can help with wound healing and has been used for that reason. There are red and blue lasers that are great for skin conditions. Some dermatologists have blue lasers and use it for skin issues. Red lasers are, in my opinion, much better for wound healing and can stimulate the pain receptors in the area as well giving you some relief. Lasers are used for tenosynovitis and arthritis as well so it's a win win. You will just have to search for someone in your area that uses cold laser or low level laser for this reason. Some doctors only do it for pain and arthritis while others use it for many other things. Hope this helps.  

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